error records
[Error] Unable to boot device in current state: Booted
2022. 6. 6. 20:27
Unable to boot device in current state: Booted
Xcode simulator를 키는데 위와 같은 에러가 나왔다.
구동된게 이미 있다고 알려주는 것 같다.
Error in Xcode while running (build + run ios) project in simulator.
전체 디바이스들을 리스트로 쭉 뽑아서 그 중에 "booted"인 디바이스의 Id를 shutdown해준다.
To solve this error :
Get the list of devices
xcrun simctl list
Now you can see which is "booted" or "shutdown"
find the booted one and copy the id and shut it down.
xcrun simctl shutdown <simulator id>
xcrun simctl shutdown "iPhone 6 Plus" // where id is the name of device in the list
It worked for me.
Unable to boot device in current state: Booted 요 에러는 해결 되었다.
Reference :